Rosenheim Retreat
–Shanti Kendra - Zentrum für ganzheitliche Psychologie
Heilig-Geist-Str. 8, 83022 Rosenheim, DeutschlandThe Rosenheim Retreat is a three-day retreat that takes place in Shanti’s Kendra (spiritual center), in the heart of Rosenheim. The unique relationship with Shanti and the powerful retreat energy give you the opportunity to delve deeper into this indescribable moment.
Give yourself a break, a weekend for you to come to yourself, back to your natural way of being – free, peaceful and true. You are welcome to experience Shanti’s unique presence and to discover the silence and peace within you.
Shantis Kendra is a very powerful place. Shanti has been holding Satsang here several times a week for 10 years. His energy is most firmly anchored here. The Kendra provides a high-energy space that, depending on your inner readiness, can help you to fully open up to your true being.
Price: 267 €
(89 € per day)
Please note:
This retreat is bookable only for the whole time!
For further information and retreat booking please write an email to: team@shanti-satsang.de